Positioning And Branding Interview

A while back my ol buddy Tim Berger asked to interview me for his magazine and we did a bang up podcast but I never heard back when it was going out so I basically forgot about it. Today while I was googling something this image came up and I thought someone was using my […]

No One Is Keeping You From Anything…

In seventeen years in my career I have never met a true leader who was lying to people or keeping secrets from anyone. Marketing by telling people that this is what goes on puts a black eye on this profession. It’s time to stop with the inflammatory, fear mongering solicitations. This is a beautiful profession […]

Trainers vs Mentors

Trainers teach you what to do… They are nice to have. They teach cool stuff… Mostly things that will change with time… On the internet that change can come within weeks… Mentors teach you how to THINK….how to approach a situation… how to interact with people…how to see the money all around you. Most often […]

What Is The Purpose Of This Activity?

Something that helps me when I feel myself getting off on a tangent (which happens a lot to adhd types like me!) Is I ask myself… What is the business purpose of this activity. If I don’t know…or if it takes me to long to answer that question I quickly redirect myself. I have tightened […]

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