Choose Clarity

Tip….if you are “confused”….ask a productive question that will help you get “unconfused” as opposed to running around telling everyone how “confused” you are.
Are You In Action?

Its always interesting to watch…
People sign up for a program and then they just STAND STILL and wait for someone to tell them what to do.
But as an entrepreneur…
YOU must be the one that figures out what to do.
That is how the money is made…
When You Think You Can't Go Any Further….YOU CAN

Ever get tired?
Ever get to the point in business when you think you can’t go any further?
Ever want to quit?
Listen to this Wake Up Call I did for My Lead System Pro a while back.
It’s a quick audio that you can take with you.
It will help.
It's Not About The Money….

When you get to a certain point in your career its not the money that motivates you anymore…
It’s the mission.
The Answer Runs Through It

I am living this right now…..walking THROUGH something to get to the answer.
The answer always runs THROUGH IT.
You can’t avoid the learning or the struggle.
Everything you want lies THROUGH the thing you are scared of….
Just step THROUGH it and you will find the rainbow.
Here’s a Wake Up Call I did for My Lead System Pro about the topic.
That's Bank!

No matter how hot or sexy a program is…no matter how well it converts…
Sooner or later it ALL comes down to CORE SKILLS…
Can you generate a lead…
Do you have a list…
Can you make an offer….
It's Groundhog's Day….And You Know What That Means!!!

It’s February 2nd and if you have been around these parts long
It’s time to pull out my old Groundhogs Day talk from back in 2009.
I can not believe it’s been EIGHT(8) years since I first did this call.
What’s cool is that the message is EVERGREEN and I will probably be sharing it year in and year out for the rest of my career.
Your Ten Rules

Here’s a recording from a Wake Up Call I did for My Lead System Pro where I discuss YOUR TEN RULES and how to keep people from taking advantage of you in life and business.
Video With No Name

Do you pick a name for your video and THEN try to live up to the title?
I pretty much never do….and here’s why:
Figuratively Naked Ep 13–Meet People–It's Easy!

The money that you want lies in the pockets of other people.
So then doesn’t it make sense to meet as many people as humanly possible?
And yet most people are petrified to go out and just say HI.
Watch this video and find out how easy it could be to build a huge network of