No Excuses Summit Gliteratti

Just got back from the No Excuses Summit in Las Vegas. Man did we have a good time! More news coming but I wanted to put up this video of some of the marketing celebs I hung with this weekend 🙂 Can’t wait to see YOU at the next event!

Marketing Stuff You Already Know….

I shot this the other day when I had some thoughts come across my mind that I thought might be helpful to you. Leave me a comment and let me know what you think.

No Excuses Summit Sellout Eminent

If you at all wanted to attend the No Excuses Summit May 17-19th in Las Vegas you NEED to watch this video now. Also…I just found out WHY the hotel is SOLD OUT… The Billboard awards are going on and the hotel will be chock full of celebrities. Join us and stalk them with us! […]

How To "Get" People

“How do I “get” people?…. That’s what they ask me… Day in and day out …the same question… How do I “get” people? I suppose I used to wonder that question too… But in the end… Isn’t that a ridiculous question? Can anyone really GET anyone??? The answer is NO… But we can INFLUENCE people […]

Have You Ever Taken A Break From Facebook?

Ever hear someone say they are taking a break from Facebook? Or even considered doing it yourself? There are a lot of reasons why people walk away from Facebook and I thought you might be interested in seeing this infographic that Social Media Expert Don Crowther put together. Here he is speaking of the general […]

Focus On The People

The money you want is in the pockets of other people… Your job is to figure out what you can offer them that will GLADLY have them hand it to you. So why would one focus on a product…as the product does not have what you need? Focus on the PEOPLE….for they are the ones […]

Frank Kern, John Reese, Tony Robbins And YOU!

I was watching a video about kettle bell swings (a kind of exercise) and when the video was over up popped all the suggested videos and in the middle of all the pictures I saw Tony Robbins…and like so many people in the industry…Tony was one of my very first tastes of personal development to […]

The Money You Want Is Sitting In The Pockets Of Other People....

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