How To Handle Rejection In Your Home Business

This is a cool little interview that Nick Haubner from Magnetic Sponsoring did with me a while back. Thought you might find it helpful. It’s about how to handle rejection in your home business. You might be surprised by my response… I know Nick was 🙂

The Magical Mystery Tour

Here’s the recording of The Magical Mystery Tour hangout from Monday… The content actually begins at minute 7 so fast forward if you like!

Giving Value???

Giving value… Giving value… Are YOU giving value??? That’s what all the attraction marketing types say out there… And so …thousands of people stand still trying to figure out how to “give value” So let me tell you how to “give value”… And it’s not as hard as you think! All you have to do […]

If You Loved What You Sell…

  If you LOVED what you sell…What would you say about it TODAY. If there were no rejection… If no one could say no… What would you say about your product or service? How would you share it with the world? (I would LOVE to have you share that below in comments.  NO LINKS. If […]

Done For You?

If one more person offers “done for you” stuff I am gonna strangle someone! Learn this NOW… NO ONE can do it for you! NO ONE. You can make a couple of bucks with that stuff but you will NEVER make big money that way. Mark the date I said this (as if it is […]

You Don't Really Want One…

If you do not have a list yet….You don’t really want one. If you do not have a downline yet…You don’t really want one. If you do not have an income from home yet….You do not really want one. Think about it. Cause here’s what I KNOW. Once you want it… You WILL find a […]


I have never been a fan of”goals” Goal setting workshops and all that jazz. Seems like a ton of people work on that stuff but never make much progress. Me…I don’t have time to play games. So a long time ago I trained myself to think in OUTCOMES. Every activity I enter into I ask […]

How To Change…

Change is a personal thing…It is done ALONE.The world sells you the idea of support and all that jazz but in the end it is about whether or not you LOVE yourself ENOUGH to make the change.And until then…NOTHING will help you.Back rubbing…people doing the wave…a marching band…None of it.But when you ARE ready…The WHOLE […]


How much better to get wisdom than gold, to choose understanding rather than silver! Proverbs 16:16

Is Anybody Really Making Any Money?

I look around the industry and at times I get SO disheartened. So many people not making any money. Just look at any companies income disclosure and you can see it staring right at you… The hard cold FACTS telling you that most people do not make much at all. Whose fault is it? The […]

The Money You Want Is Sitting In The Pockets Of Other People....

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