What's Your Angle?

Sheesh…why is it so hard to believe that I just like helping people do well in their home businesses. Everyone thinks I must have an angle. I don’t. I am just a mom who got to stay home with her babies all these years who makes great money who would like to give back. Is […]

Hackers And Gossip And Drama…OH MY!!!!

Hackers and Gossip And Drama…OH MY! NO…this is NOT the Wizard of OZ… This is MY BUSINESS… And quite frankly I just do not vibe on all this stuff. I have tried to be respectful… I have tried to look after everyone… I have tried to be a good colleague and trainer and a credit […]


My version of freedom is not yachts and limos and fancy cars and all the stuff they dangle at you in this industry. My version is a paid off mortgage…no credit card debt and my kids college tuition paid CASH. That my friends is SECURITY. That’s what I am all about helping people do.

Run In…

I recently  had a run in with someone who was publicly bashing me and my business model..the very model that has brought much prosperity to my family and many of the people I work with. If anyone else does not like who I am or what I do or what I stand for… That’s cool…and […]


I generally don’t think much about who is quitting…. I focus on who is WORKING. People quit every day… They quit their relationships, their diets and their programs. Has nothing to so with me. In fact most of these people will go on to quit again and again long after they leave me. Yup… I […]

The Purpose Of Marketing

The purpose of marketing is to prepare a person to buy… Not to annoy the crap out of them. Make a note of that

They're Stealing My People!

A guy just told me that someone was stealing his people… Now I DO NOT endorse poaching other people’s teams … Of course… People who do that are SCUM… But why not try on this new thought process… “NO ONE can steal people from me… I can only lose them due to lack of strong […]

Mama Bear…

Recently someone  called me to pitch me about an opportunity. For the first time in history I said ABSOLUTELY NOT to someone simply based on who was involved. My reaction was strong and swift. I think the guy who called was in shock and didn’t quite know what to say. I give EVERYONE the benefit […]

You Need Help???

I always loves when someone tells me that I didn’t help them and uses that as an excuse to QUIT… I am here every single day…day in and day out. I ALWAYS show up. I have for FOURTEEN YEARS. Doing calls, webinars, writing letters, publishing blog posts, doing team trainings, creating reams of content for […]

Fancy Pics And Video?

Here’s my perspective…and I may be wrong…but it’s my perspective… If you are an internet marketer…go do all kinds of fancy branding…Professional pics, polished video, fancy graphics, photo shoots etc. Rock it… But if you are in the Home Business or MLM space… That stuff is a MISTAKE in the long run… Why… cause monkey […]

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