Creating Your Customer Avatar
In cleaning out my hard drive I am finding all these old goodies so I thought the best thing to do is put them up on You Tube and post them here for you. In this video we talk about creating your customer avatar…. Figuring out who your perfect customer is and how to find […]
Becoming An Instant Marketing Professional
This is a classic video that I cut before we had an event a few years ago but it for sure has some nuggets you can use.
Meeting People On Facebook
Here’s an old training I dug up on meeting people on Facebook.. And ya… A few things have changed and Facebook is stricter than ever about adding friends but the core concepts here are solid and stand true for any social media venue. Let me know your thougts.
Diane Hochman On The Mike Litman Show
I was cleaning out my computer and found piles of gold 🙂 So for the next few days I am gonna share some great old videos with you. Be sure to leave comments and let me know your thoughts. This first video is when I was a guest on The Mike Litman Show. Enjoy!
Likes For Lisa! Hangout Recording
Last night we had so much fun on our Everything Old Is New Again hangout which became the LIKES FOR LISA show! (You’ll understand once you watch!) Major discussion on marketing fundamentals and how to take old school concepts and apply them to your new school business. In the end…some things NEVER change. Take a […]
Don't Go Faking To Try And Please Me….
It’s weird how when business takes you in different directions some people think they can’t be friends anymore. Rest assured that if I have treated you as a friend…it’s because we’re friends…not cause you are in a program with me or making me money. I don’t like that stuff. BE REAL You either dig me […]
I Chose FREEDOM Instead…
I wrote this several months back as a response to to some marketing that I saw that in my opinion was irresponsible and reckless. attracted people by triggering their greed.. But when you build your business like that…in the long run What is the COST? This represents who I am and what I believe […]
I'd Rather Be Nine People's Favorite Thing….
I want you to watch this video… It is from a Broadway show called Title Of Show about the artist’s journey and our quest to SAY SOMETHING as opposed to being just part of the mediocrity. I listen to this song whenever I lose sight of my mission. I’d rather be nine people’s favorite thing […]
New Years Marketing Wisdom
The recording of last night’s kick off webinar… Just a heads up… The one on one consulting offer that I spoke about it sold out. I have a waiting list if you are interesting in the next round.
New Years Memories 2013
Here are some of my favorite memories of 2013. It was an incredible year and I want to thank you for being a part of it. Enjoy!