Using Video To Promote Your Network Marketing Business
Great training on using video to promote your network marketing business and also to retain your team.
The Attraction Marketing Blueprint Webinar
Join us for this recording of The Ultimate Freedom webinar where we discussed The Attraction Marketing Blueprint Get your trial to My Lead System Pro HERE You MUST use this link..not the link I mention in the training if you want to have access to my private consulting group I offer my members.
Lose The Agenda…
Having trouble meeting people and making money? Maybe you need to LOSE THE AGENDA
What Are You Doing To Make Your Dreams Come True?
Shot this video today as I was reminiscing about my life BEFORE my home business. Watch this. Leave me your comments.
Worried About Getting "Shut Down"?
When you create an audience that truly digs you and your message you you never have to worry about getting shut down as they will seek you out not matter where you go. In fact…they tend to worry about you if they don’t hear from you for long. Getting “shut down” on a medium rarely […]
Connecting With People
Connecting with people is making it about THEM…not about what you want them to buy. When you let go of what you want and get into the people they know it And you become insanely attractive Move to Trash
How To Share Your Story On The Internet
Great generic training on how to share your story on the internet to get more leads and sign more people into your program. If you would like more information about our team and how you can get involved send a email to me at and I’ll connect with you.
Are You Ready To Submit???
This is one of my Mindset In The Morning Calls I do with my partner in crime Cathie Heath. Major message here… Quick 15 minute audio. Listen and leave me your comments.
Easy List Building Techniques
In this episode of Online Networkers Paradise we cover super easy list building for online networkers. Let me know if you have any questions….
This is just me…but when person who has earned TEN + TIMES more money than me (and I do pretty darn well) says to do something a certain way…I DO IT. I don’t sit around thinking I know better! I will put in a year or two LISTENING to them and THEN go out and […]