He Said I Sounded Jaded

Recently I wrote a letter to my list.
A MANIFESTO of sorts.
Detailing where I have been and where I am going.
I got back an incredible amount of responses and cheers.
But one person….who is a close friend…said I sounded JADED.
For days I have rolled that comment around in my head.
For 21 years I have run a small home business.
Locked Down

I work from home.
I have for over twenty years.
So being in my house in sweats and fuzzy slippers is nothing new to me.
Heck…In the winter if I I go out once a week its a lot.
I’m used to being home.
I like being home.
Travel Tips For Home Business Owners

When you own a home business it becomes necessary to travel a little bit to your conventions and other events. And knowing how to travel on the cheap is a great thing to learn.
What Most People Don’t Understand About Attraction Marketing

I am back in the saddle again working hands on with people and doing one on one sessions and a common topic keeps coming up….
Folks just dont understand the true essence of attraction marketing.
So I whipped up this video to help you out.
How To Weed Out Your List

If you are using an autoresponder it is very important you regularly week out undeliverable addresses and people who do not open or you end up paying to store addresses that can not possibly yield customers.
Starting Over…

The truth is I had something major happen in my life and I was so embarrassed about it I just could not bring myself to say much for well over a year.
Yesterday I decided to finally come clean and talk about it
Home Business Roller Coaster….A New Thought Process

When you are building a home buisness you want to stay away from the Merry Go Round…
That is when you just go around in circles…
Month in and month out…
Year in and year out.
No growth…no change…
Just loops…
Revolution…not EVOLUTION.
Business Models To Work From Home

Most people who get into a home business do not know what model they are working.
So then when they struggle they search for help and training but often buy training for a different model thus creating a cycle of confusion and pain.
The Difference Between Network Marketing And Attraction Marketing

Here is a Facebook Live Audio that I did after some folks got upset about some comments I made about some marketing practices I was seeing in the marketplace.
Get Them To Sing Your Song

Self promotion is great…
But there is a whole other level to promotion that 99% of the field is missing.
And this one nuance will make all the difference.