He’s Right About This…

I’m under the weather.

I have that fabulous holiday season cold ad I’ve been trying to kick it before it’s time to head to my parents for Christmas.

So what do you do when you’re sick?

You lay on the couch and watch YouTube.

Ch Ch Ch Ch Changes…

This is a weird year for me.

Pretty much everything in my life changed in 2023.

My last kid moved out.

I gave away most everything I owned.

I left my home of 30 years and moved half way across the country.

And this is my first year living on my own for the holidays.

And in a warm climate to boot.

Stay Alive

The name of the game is STAY ALIVE….

Stay alive long enough to to find your VOICE

Stay alive long enough to find your place, your mission, your assignment.

If you can STAY ALIVE you can BREAK THROUGH.


Hell has to be having a fire and desire in your heart and mind and having a self image that will not allow you to touch what you see and feel in your head.


The home business world can be absolutely crazy.

It can take years to know who is who…

Who is trying to help you…

Who is trying to sell you.

Who is trying to control you.

Who is trying to lift you up.

Who really has the knowledge you need and who is full of baloney.

So how do you gain longevity and stay in the game long enough to break through?


I hate Fake.

Fake flavors like banana candy….


Fake cheese like in Kraft mac and cheese….


Fake boobs….(I know…I know….but I thought it would be funny to say that!)

And most of all…

A Modern Day Mom And pop

Modern Day Mom And Pop

I have to admit it…

My business model is NOT fancy.

It’s pretty basic.

I modeled it after the old school mom and pops I grew up with in New York City.

A little store that carried everything the neighborhood needed.

I just found a “neighborhood” on the internet and catered to it and the rest is history.

Rich Girl (and boy) Summer

Back in the day every summer I used to run a SUMMER SCHOOL where I taught folks all my best marketing moves and we really focused in on CASH FLOW while everyone else was swimming and eating hot dogs.

The Money You Want Is Sitting In The Pockets Of Other People....

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