Are You A Minimum Wage Marketer?

Are you setting yourself up to earn minimum wage or less in your home business?
Is the very thing you are seeking the thing that will set you up to earn way less than you deserve?
Watch this video and let me know your thoughts.
You can be a minimum wage marketer or an executive marketer…
The choice is yours.


6 responses to “Are You A Minimum Wage Marketer?”

  1. Love it Diane, totally true and real talk though. Thanks for sharing.

  2. Diane, thanks for reminding me about 3.35hr minimum wage ha. You always have great story messages that are easy to relate to.
    Executive Marketing position – Very profound message today.
    Jim Rohn also says things are easy to do but also easy not to do.
    Been on both sides of this so you might as well play big if you’re going through the motions anyway.
    I love Jim Rohn.

  3. this is SUCH a great video!!!! it’s the difference between seeing your intrinsic value … and NOT seeing it & hoping you can just use someone else’s

  4. This is profound. So many are being lead around by the nose being told that everything will be done for them. It’s what people want to hear; it’s also what will keep people in shackles.

  5. Omigosh Diane! That analogy was perfect! I never really thought about it like that before, and I see exactly what you mean. Like Mike Myers said in Cat in the Hat, “How did you get so smart?” haha Thank you for making and sharing this video.

    1. Diane Avatar

      Profound..isn’t it?

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