Are You A Home Business Voyeur?

Are you someone who watches other people conduct business as if it were a reality show or are you actually conducting business?
Have you become a Facebook or Twitter junkie…hanging out all day and pretending to have a business when you really have nothing?
You need to watch this video and then be sure to fill in your name and email on the right to get some SERIOUS training on how to avoid this trap.


11 responses to “Are You A Home Business Voyeur?”

  1. I was definitely a voyeur spending hours “watching”…
    till I came across you!! Thank you ๐Ÿ™‚

    1. Voyeur no more!!!

  2. Diane,
    Thanks for writing this post , i find the information that you have shared of great value to the people that i connect with and going to pass this on to my tribe. I look forward to reading more from you.

    1. Hey Chris…
      So I am now replying to all my comments..I am way behind and I noticed that you used the EXACT same comment on two different posts.
      I am hoping really HARD that you weren’t taught to copy and paste comments or write the exact same ones on lots of blogs for seo purpose.
      believe me..
      That is a MAJOR MISTAKE.
      I did a video about that a while ago.
      If a person sees that (and the will) you AUTOMATICALLY sink to the bottom of the pecking order in their mind.
      Many people teach techniques like this in order to leverage you to get more traffic to THEIR sites.
      They see people as disposable and teach them stuff that will destroy their chances of ever making it.
      I am hoping you are not one of the victims of stuff like this.
      You are too smart to fall into that trap ๐Ÿ™‚

  3. I have never thought that there could be a home business voyeur. Well I was wrong. There are lots of them.

    1. Millions!

  4. Rankin Avatar

    I was definitely a voyeur spending hours flipping
    through the internet. Listening to the wrong people
    and giving them my money.Thank you for putting together
    the Home and Small business world. Thank you.Thank you

  5. Diane,
    People are Nosy and like to watch Conflict. Jack Bickham in his brilliant book about writing novals says hook them from the start with a moment half way through a world shaking event in the main charactors life.
    Now where is my peep hole, I may spy something KINKY ๐Ÿ˜‰ COR!
    Now I know what the butler saw ;-0

    1. LAUGHING!!!

  6. […] Are You A Home Business Voyeur? | Diane Hochman Home And Small … […]

  7. Hi Diane great video. I must admit I’ve only recently started watching your videos on your site and youtube and you have such a good heart and speak the truth. I use to think that I needed to be really slick and get every video perfect before I started until I realised something. I’m not slick or perfect! and to just get it started. It goes back to what you heard from Joe, ” You don’t have to get it right, You just have to get it going” Which is what I have done. Thanks Diane

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