And I’ve been at this a long time.
Since 99.
Before the internet as we know it.
Before social media…
Before smart phones…
I’ve seen it all.
And ya…I could tell you all about my successes, credentials and my marketing pedigree but let’s face it…
That means NOTHING to you.
You’re probably here because you started a business and you’re struggling..
You have a business that has some traction but you need REAL mentorship about how to take it to the 6 figure level and beyond.
I got chu.
Totally neurodivergent and people who are also divergent thinkers often fall in love with how I teach as it is not at all like the other stuff out there.
Like any good ADHD kid I learned a long time ago to NOT focus on the process as much as to focus on the OUTCOME.
I’m not too concerned about how we get you there as much as GETTING YOU THERE.
If the standard “step by step” RAH RAH stuff that most people are doling out doesn’t work for you I may be your girl.
I’m actively in the field working it every day.
What that means is that I am RUNNING A BUSINESS that is NOT about selling you coaching or over priced retreats, seminars or anything like that.
Which means I am very particular about who I work with because I just ain’t got the time for anyone that isn’t going to execute what I teach them and come back to me with REAL questions that demonstrate that you did the work.
I am not here to hold you accountable.
Only you can do that.
You can book me for a single hour for some insight and strategy or become a MENTOR FOR LIFE student.
Or most anything in between.
I can also help you with your message and your brand including getting you a sexy site like this one.
But I have no interest in “closing you” on working with me.
I don’t want you to hire me until you’ve consumed my work, attended some lives, watched my videos, read my letters and you KNOW I am the one for you.
I don’t want your money.
I want your mind.
I want to help you SEE what you can’t see right now.
Because when you can SEE you can get to your OUTCOME.
(Remember how I said that above? It’s not about HOW you do it…It’s about KNOWING where you want to go and SEEING the destination clearly. The rest all just happens. Woo Woo I know..but it’s true)
This is my third decade of helping people get to their goals in business while running my own.
I take people’s hopes and dreams EXTREMELY seriously and I only work with people who do the same.
NO ONE is going to take your dreams more seriously than you.
NO ONE (especially me) is going to do the work for you
NO ONE is going to lay it all out and put a cherry on top.
YOU are THE ANSWER you are looking for.
Me…I just act as a guide and perhaps a Fairy God Mother in a way opening doors that you could not open yourself.
DO NOT under any circumstances try to buy success.
It doesn’t work.
And I just want to tell you that before you consider doing any work with me.
This site represents WHO I AM.
This site represents MY TRUTH.
I’d like to help you find yours.
Because once you find YOUR TRUTH the selling is easy.
I’ll teach you more about that later on.
But for now…
And it’s nice to meet you :)
I’d love to chat and see how I can help you!