You Can't Handle the Truth

Remember the Tom Cruise jack Nicholson movie a Few Good Men?
Remember the scene in the courtroom?

Well here is what went on on a LIVE conference call–
The question is…Can You Handle The Truth about your business?
Can you handle the REALITY or are you enjoying the money losing fantasy that so many live in.
Listen and THINK and then come see me so I can help you move towards the success you deserve in your business.


10 responses to “You Can't Handle the Truth”

  1. Hi Diana,
    You made a great point here.
    I hear it all the time… “I knew all that”
    But then my question is… if you knew all that why aren’t you making any money?
    The point is that they don’t implement it, they continue looking for more info and strategies, they are what I call “information junkies”.
    The truth is that in order to make money in this business you have to put a lot of work and effort into it.
    ^PV Reymond

    1. Information Junkiedom is a serious disease.
      I know…I am a recovering Info Junkie ๐Ÿ™‚
      I knew EVERYTHING and more and had to roll pennies to buy mac and cheese.
      And then I heard the line…
      Which is bigger…your ego or your bank account.
      Hit me right between the eyes!

  2. Well stated Diane. If you’re not making money, you don’t know how to make money. That is the truth. Find someone who is so that they can teach you how to generate business.
    Pride and ego prevent many entrepreneurs from following common sense advice. You must leave both at the door if you want to succeed in this game.

    1. Hey Ryan…
      It was a hard lesson for me.
      I suppose a hard lesson for lots of novice marketers.
      But in the end a lesson that must be learned.
      Thanks for the comment!

  3. I am in the recovering stage Diane ๐Ÿ™‚ I am sitting on a couple of years of marketing, article and all kinds of internet gadget/tool knowledge. Now I have Kristen saying did you follow your DMO? Wow, nothing like being 3 feet from the gold and crying from frustration or worst quitting, ha?

  4. Ray Stein Avatar
    Ray Stein

    Most people just smile and nod?
    Their loss.
    Thanks, Diane

  5. Guilty as charged… I pay money for courses, books, I listen to them, I study them, I know it all. Yet my business is not nearly where I would like for it to be.
    Thanks for the kick in the rear, Diane.
    Ana Hoffman

    1. You know Ana…we ALL do that.
      It’s just when we are busy running out mouths and in ego that
      the real danger zone exists.
      I was a perfect know it all for several years.
      It was when I submitted to being a student to masters that things changed ๐Ÿ™‚
      Thank God they did!

  6. There are two sides to this coin. I found myself lost in info-junkie-dom for a long time. Then realized I didn’t have time for any actual implementation. So I started implementing. Only to find I had no freaking idea what I was doing, didn’t know enough to make what I WAS implementing actually work or be profitable.
    Now I’m trying to find a balance between learning and implementing. Which means I no longer sleep. No time.

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