The Answer Is NOT Outside of YOU

This is the live Million Mind March call from March 2nd

In it a illustrate WHY you already know what to do…

You just don’t think you do.

Listen to this and leave me your thoughts.


One response to “The Answer Is NOT Outside of YOU”

  1. Ron P Corbin Avatar
    Ron P Corbin

    The more I listen to these calls, the more excited I get to actually sit in on one.

    I agree, we all have been living in a fear driven economy. The whole “don’t miss your opportunity” technique of marketing, has instilled an instant graitifcation attitude in some people. This is what caused me to be a “Junkie” of programs.

    That quick fix, something to make it all better. When all the while I was only making it better for someone else.

    I am a social butterfly, and I love people. When I go out, I speak to anyone that makes eye contact with me, or presents an opportunity to. Can you remember the last time you went somewhere and a complete stranger was extraordinary? I bet we do, because its rare.

    None the less, I will say that your words are powerful, and true. Thats something else in this world. The truth can hurt, but it can also set you free.

    Thanks Diane!

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