Why I Get On Planes And Go To Events

It’s funny….
I am sitting here at the back of the room at Ray Higdon’s Prospecting and Recruiting Summit.
And from the time I walked into the room it has been hugs and pictures and love galore.
Old friends and new…
Some I have known on the internet and never met in person…
And some I have known personally for years on end.
And some I am meeting for the first time.
And during it all …
Because I KNOW what the end result of my attending this event will be….
Relationships that bring more prosperity to me.
Many years ago my friend Ray Higdon asked me to speak at his very first event.
Back then he was not the HERCULEAN LEADER that he is today.
He was just getting going.
The event was small.
There were maybe 50 people.
But I got on a plane and flew to Florida to be there.
Because my friend and colleague asked me to the there…
And because I knew the end result.
The same one I will get for being here today at this big event with the biggest marketers in the space.
Relationships that would bring more prosperity to me.
What’s funny is that most people don’t go to the event.
And still others go but they are out to GET something …
Some magic pill that will make them rich.
Me…I am sitting here in the back of the room and realizing the RICHNESS of these relationships.
They have brought me  revenue,  joy , fun.
Business partners….Colleagues…and some VERY GOOD FRIENDS.
Thank you Ray Higdon for having me at that very first event…
Thank you Ray Higdon for having me today.
I am so THRILLED for your success.
I am so proud to know you.
And to anyone who reads this who is deciding whether to attend an event.
Big events, little events…any event….
Just go.
Because you never know who you are going to meet.
You never know who they will become.
And you never know who YOU will become.
But it all starts in the relationships.
And I hope to see you out there somewhere soon.
If by chance we do meet…
PLEASE…come up and give me a hug because I want to KNOW you.
Love and hugs,
P.S. Here’s a fun picture from that very first event many moons ago.
Can’t wait to take a new one tonight 🙂


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  1. […] post Why I Get On Planes And Go To Events appeared first on Diane Hochman Home And Small Business […]

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