Over the past several years BRANDING has become quite the buzzword in the home business market with everyone scrambling to look fancy with graphics and logos and the such.
Tag lines, catch phrases and hash tags galore and still for most.
No market place traction at all.
So if this is not what one should be doing then what it is?
First one must ask…
What is branding?
Well…branding is owning a place in the consumers mind where as the marketplace sees them as the LOGICAL CHOICE for their purchase.
Think brown bubbly beverage and you think COKE.
Think I have a runny nose and you think KLEENEX
Think I have a boo boo and you think BAND AID.
Now think about those times when someone served you store brand soda and what you thought of them….or scratchy tissues or kind of crummy non sticky bandages….
A BRAND actually elevates the self image of the consumer due to their association with you.
Lets take a look at Apple folks.
Isn’t it funny how they like to argue with PC and Android users…
How they like to make fun of them?
Could it be because they find IDENTITY with the Apple brand and feel just a little superior due to that shiny new iPhone in their pocket?
Or look at women…why in the world does a girl like me carry a $700 coach bag when she could grab one for $19.99
The difference all lies in the BRAND.
So next time you are looking to BRAND YOURSELF think heard about the audience and the marketplace.
How do you position yourself in a way that causes a group of people to embrace you as THE answer to their needs versus another me too marketer.
Tilt their world and flow into their self image lifting them up.
Sure…go ahead and get your graphics and do your live streams but really focus on INSERTING yourself into the mind of the marketplace.
Everyone promises money….
Few promise MORE YOU.
Coke promises more you….Have a coke and a smile…It makes you feeeeel gooooood..
That was their commercial.
It was not just a sugar laden beverage….it was a SMILE!
And oh….you realize you were not a good parent if you didn’t use Band Aid Brand…right?
If you take the time to REALLY think about brands you will notice that every single one that has ever stood the test of time had altered the way you feel about yourself.
Now it’s YOUR TURN to build a BRAND.
Knowing what I just gave you ….you can conquer the world.
Or at least a little part of it….and that is ALL YOU NEED to be FREE.
2 Responses
Hi Diane, great article as usual. Before I listened to you I tried very hard to follow all the rules. Which only confused my words even more when I spoke to a prospect. Since then I no longer fear what’s gonna fall from my lips when it’s my turn to speak. Best part is I’m happy and proud to be me and when others try to correct me…I smile inwardly and thank them for their kind words. YES!