Your Sponsor Is NOT Your Friend…

I hear it all the time…
My sponsor is too busy for me…
My sponsor never calls me…
My sponsor favors other people…
On and on..
And this thought process is one that can KILL your business development.
Watch this video and change your thought process and watch yourself be FREE to FLY!


10 responses to “Your Sponsor Is NOT Your Friend…”

  1. i like it. but i believe parents can def be their kids friends. great vid.

    1. Diane Avatar

      Just curious Mark…do you have kids?

  2. Thank you diane for continuing to give us what we need rather than what we think we want to hear. Great video today.

  3. Hello Diane! What an Awesome Video, You are such an Awesome Leader.. Chery :))

  4. Thanks Diane,
    It is true the Truth will set us Free. Your honesty is refreshing.
    Michael Pearce

  5. Great point and so true!

  6. Loved your comments I have always been bad at this..but I get your point Thank you

  7. Hell yeah … love this message … I always wanted to be friends with my kids, but I’ve already had those situations where I realise I’m their parent first and foremost … thanks for sharing 🙂

  8. Danielle Watley-AbdurRaaziq Avatar
    Danielle Watley-AbdurRaaziq

    Yes, harsh but the Truth! Diane you Always have a way of explaining things in a way to make sure it’s understood. I would Love to be Your friend and come to dinner though, I can’t lie….lol Thank you for Sharing things that Never Expire. Peace and Blessings to You

    1. <3 you!

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