How To "Get" People

“How do I “get” people?….
That’s what they ask me…
Day in and day out …the same question…
How do I “get” people?
I suppose I used to wonder that question too…
But in the end…
Isn’t that a ridiculous question?
Can anyone really GET anyone???
The answer is NO…
But we can INFLUENCE people
And we can GUIDE people…
And we can HELP people…
And when we do we build TRUST..,
And through TRUST the prospect feels SAFE…
And a SAFE prospect is an ENROLLING prospect….
So next time you wonder…
“How do I get people”
Try a few of those things on for size 🙂


One response to “How To "Get" People”

  1. Great Post Diane and it’s always nice to connect with others not just try to get them in your “circle”
    Blog With Passion!

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