People Will ALWAYS Be Attracted To "Sexy"

Originally written in March 2010…I can post it today and it still stands…I will be able to post it in 2015 and it will stand and heck…
I will be able to post this is 2030 and it will STILL be relevant.
You can learn this TODAY…or you can wait…
The choice is YOURS
It’s as old as the hills…
It’s genetic…
It’s Biblical
People will ALWAYS be attracted to “sexy”
People will always be attracted to INSTANT
People will always be attracted to “Buy Now-Pay Later”
And I completely understand why…
I was the QUEEN of something for nothing deals back in the day.
I ran myself BROKE and FAT trying to get SKINNY and RICH with little to no work.
And I do mean broke.
We are talking $40k in credit card debt and
knowing all the debt collectors on a first name basis.
And I do mean fat.
We’re talking over 100 pounds of extra “junk in my trunk”
If there was a Lose Weight Fast  program or pill out there…
I bought it.
Diet books, Tony Little Gazelles, Deal a Meals
You get the picture.
And for getting rich we had the Dave Del Dotto Real Estate course
Tony Robbins low cost seminars where I bought THOUSANDS of dollars worth of stuff
that I was SURE would give me what I wanted in 90 days or less…
All kinds of stuff.
Man O MAN did the direct marketers LOVE me.
I swear they had a red star next to my name on their mailing lists
The gold star stood for SHE’LL BUY ANYTHING!!!
So yes…I too was attracted to sexy..
But here’s where it get’s STRANGE.
What would be the #1 thing I would buy into…
Me..the fat broke chick….
Well…what else but a deal where I could get rich and skinny at the SAME TIME of course!!!
And so it all began.
Ten years ago.
When I got into a weight loss MLM.
But here is where things became DIFFERENT than lat time.
Within 6 months of beginning the deal I was introduced to something I had never
experienced before….
And just like being attracted to sexy and instant is as old as the hills
Go read Proverbs…
Go read Confuscious
And so I began a quest to trace back success principles and to study
with some of the most prominent “business philosophers” out there.
Because I quickly came to understand that the definition of “sexy”
will ALWAYS change…and therefore leave those that use “sexy” as their attractor factor
high and dry pretty darn quickly…
Where prosperity priciples are TIMELESS
And in the end this is where LASTING success lies.
The crazy part is that learning these principles was in fact the lazyest and quickest thing I could have done
as now money is no longer an issue and it is almost effortless to produce.
It’s actually FUN!  Kind of a GAME.
True prosperity is moving into PASSION where you spend your days doing what you LOVE
and income streams towards you from all angles.
True prosperity is when you can see income opportunites all around you that you could never see before.
(This is why most of the GURU types end up in so many arenas…they can SEE money everywhere)
This is why we see those that study the prosperity principles constantly attract all the best partners and venues for
income production where so many others STRUGGLE or have one success and then fade from the forefront.
People will always be attracted to “sexy”
Nothing can stop that
Used to get me very frustrated to see so many good people
fall for things that I knew would be gone in a short period of time…
But now I accept what will never change.
But what I do know…
Is that with maturity what ones sees as “sexy” changes.
Who a man wants to date and who a man wants to marry are often very different women.
Where a new marketer wants to begin his career and where he wants to build his lasting  entity
are often two very different things as well.
And so I began to look for MATURE people who could see
just how darn “sexy” what I have to offer is.
FREEDOM is sexy no matter what century we are in.
It was in 1783
It was in 1865
It was in 1968
And it is in 2010 and beyond.
It’s just the definitions that change.
And it is my opinion that today and in the future
Freedom will not be about a call to arms
Or a sit in at a lunch counter
It will be about freedom of BEING
And freedom of finances-
And those things are VERY sexy
As they lie in a man’s THOUGHT
Just as Napoleon Hill and Wallace Wattles described 100 years ago.
And ALL that is TRULY sexy in life…
Lies in THOUGHT.


3 responses to “People Will ALWAYS Be Attracted To "Sexy"”

  1. Diane,
    Yep – thoughts are things only is they are because before any thing can be created it is first a thought.
    We are so fortunate have that knowledge and the soap boxes that we can use to share these ideals with others…
    Thank you for being such a person that is willing to put themselves out there and speak the truth and share the vision.
    Fortunate to have you as a partner in prosperity.
    Look forward to kicking it with you in Orlando.

  2. […] Is About!Anthony RobbinsA Millionaire Mind with T Harv EkerGood Days, Great DaysPeople Will ALWAYS Be Attracted To Sexy /* */ .car-collapse .car-yearmonth { cursor: s-resize; } /* […]

  3. Great points Diane! Thanks for your transparency…wanting instant gratification can be challenging to change in a time where everyone is programmed to think this way. Although challenges and facing defeat is the best way to develop patience, maturity and open your eyes to the real possibilities!! Congrats on your success!

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