Groundhog Day Insanity and Your Home Business(Flashback)

It’s 2 am and I just realized that it’s GROUNDHOG day!!!
Ya just gotta love Punxatwany Phil…
He’s such a cutie patootie!
And all of this reminded me of a call I did back in 2009 (2 years ago)
all about The Groundhog cycle.

You can hear the audio here

*Remember that this audio is 2 years old–any products mentioned may have changed.
Listen for the CONTENT and the LESSON
ESPECIALLY if the last two years have gone by in your life and you have not made significant progress.
This audio could TILT you.


4 responses to “Groundhog Day Insanity and Your Home Business(Flashback)”

  1. I’m getting to know so much about you, thanks to Edward Elliott! I love your style, your passion, your RESULTS … just everything you represent! Thank you so much for sharing this audio! This one really made me stop and think, and realize that this is not going to happen overnight … but it IS going to happen!! ๐Ÿ™‚
    Thanks for being just exactly who you are!

    1. EXACTLY!!!! It IS going to happen ๐Ÿ™‚
      Thanks for coming by Lorri…Looking forward to getting to know so much more about you.

  2. […] This post was mentioned on Twitter by Cathie Heath, Nicholas Wind and Lorri Ratzlaff, Edward Elliott. Edward Elliott said: RT @dianehochman Groundhog Day Insanity and Your Home Business(Flashback) […]

  3. The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over and hoping to get a different result. It’s like a twitch – annoying. We can all get in a rut. Comfort Zones are soooo comfortable like a warm bed and teddy. Sweet dreams and take care.

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