You Can't Buy Home Business Success (Don't LOSE MONEY)

I have been in the home business industry for almost 11 years now and for as long as I have been around
I have watched people try to BUY success.
You can’t buy a following.
You can’t buy a list.
You can’t buy a position in your MLM (if you hope to keep the rank)
Everything must be achieved and following plans that tell you that you can
buy it is setting yourself up for AGONY and LOSS OF MONEY.
I have seen it time and time again so I figured that it was time to cut a video on
the topic.
Love to hear your thoughts.
Have you spent money on something that you were SURE was gonna get you the success
you desired only to find out that in the long run it didn’t do that at all?
Did the short term SPIKE in traffic or business get you so excited that you didn’t
realize what was happening until it was TOO LATE?
You can’t buy long term success…
You have to EARN it.


27 responses to “You Can't Buy Home Business Success (Don't LOSE MONEY)”

  1. Food for Thought and massive wake up call!!!
    Awesome Video Diane

    1. Thanks for stopping by Cass.

  2. This was a so gooood, once again the only way to success is authenticity and skills. The market is huge, all these automated services and all the other stuff. It just smells bad. So don’t follow a person who has 4762 followers after tweeting 53 tweets. the person is not there to meet YOU, it’s just an empty bubble. You have to get following of people who trust and like you as Diane says.

    1. There you go!

  3. Rankin Avatar

    Great video.I appreciate you sharing all this stuff.
    Biggest mistake I have done is to listen to some one
    and spent 1,000s with nothin to show for. What it has done
    is made me become hesitant on weather to believe what I hear
    on the internet.
    Rankin Telles

  4. Diane, I swear you have a camera or listening device in my house. I have been (and at times continue to be) caught in the buying trap.

    1. Nah Tracey…
      I am just telling people about what happened to me…
      And in many ways you are like me.
      So it makes sense that you feel that I know about you…
      We’ve been through a lot of the same stuff.

  5. SO TRUE. And time reveals.
    So many “hot” tactics have
    come and gone in only the last
    few months and couple years
    that it’s really funny to step
    back and wonder…
    Why would you keep BUYING
    and sending money to the same
    people who keep teaching you
    “fluff” tactics that have already
    PROVEN to be short term only???
    Why not really invest your time
    and energy and money into principles
    that will serve you long term?
    Stop trying to buy shortcuts!
    If you do NOT understand that
    the only real benefit to “content syndication”
    is that you get some backlinks in a leveraged
    way to your already up and running SEO campaigns…
    it’s perfectly USELESS!!!
    As a “social media” tactic it’s exactly like
    Diane says… POINTLESS and UNauthentic.
    And only a few SKILLED (there’s that word again)
    INDIVIDUALS (means NOT duplicable) will leverage
    all the people sent to them by unKnowing newbies.
    PLEASE listen to what Diane is saying.
    It WILL save you a fortune and frustration.
    (unsolicited testimonial from the heart)
    I’ve seen and lived what this Lady can do
    for your business and life if you are ready
    for it.
    THAT is authentic.
    Hope this helps you out…

    1. I adore you Franco!!!

  6. Joelle Niedecken Avatar
    Joelle Niedecken

    That’s just one of the reasons why I SO LOVE YOU, DIANE!!!!!!! lol… STRAIGHT UP MAKES SENSE NO NONSENSE DIRECTION AND HELP!!!!!!! 😉
    I do have some of those ‘don’t know ya’ lists from when I first started… for me, they were mainly 2 practice with… YOU ARE SOOO RIGHT, THOUGH… C-O-N-N-E-C-T-I-O-N IS WHERE IT’S AT!!!!!!! 🙂
    … head over to HOME AND SMALL BUSINESS WORLD for more of Diane, if you haven’t yet… and heck, even if you have… HEAD BACK OVER THERE FOR ALL THEIR GREAT UPDATES!!!!!!!

    1. Thanks Joelle!

  7. Hey Diane,
    Thanks for this great message.
    I agree that just driving traffic to your site does not really make sense if it is not the right people that find it.
    It all comes down to the basics….
    Make it a great day!
    God Bless,

    1. Yes sir eeeeee!!!!

  8. I am so with you on that Diane
    …and Franco has reinforced
    this message in a very powerful
    I know this video has tons
    of value because I have been
    in the network marketing industry
    since 1997 and I also know like
    Diane says…that YOU CAN’T BUY
    SUCCESS… you can’t buy PEOPLE!!!
    People know..people sense when
    something is fishy! I don’t have
    the same online experience as Diane
    but when I first decided
    that it was time for me to use the
    Internet to continue to grow our
    business… I quickly realized that
    there was a lot of fluff and unrealistic
    propositions!!! Please listen to Diane
    learn the skills…It’s the only way
    to succeed!!!
    Diane,,, Thanks so much for this video
    Nathalie V.

    1. That’s it Nathalie…
      People SENSE when something is fishy.
      That’s the bottom line.
      Thanks for your comment!!!

  9. That’s it Diane…
    Nuff said.
    The ONLY way to TRUE and
    LONG-TERM success in this
    AWESOME industry!
    Thanks Di,
    Dean P.

    1. You got it Deano!

  10. […] video post I commented on was called ‘You Can’t Buy Your Home Based Business Success.’ I am totally in line with this concept!  I cannot get into these boxed list building tools […]

    1. I am sorry that Nicole felt I was talking down anything.
      What i was doing was talking up COMMON SENSE and helping people grast that you can’t BUY a following.
      Trends come and trends go…
      The CORE SKILLS always reign supreme.

  11. Diane, wow that was a very enlightening video and hopefully people will take a look at their blog, their business as I am going to do to see what I can do better to help more people.

  12. […] I posted a video called You Can’t Buy Home Business Success in […]

  13. Hi Diane,
    I liked your video because you are right, there is no shortcuts to lasting success. A trainer long ago used to tell us, “You have to work hard, before you can work smart”.
    With that being said, I like Tribing, I like helping others and I have never placed a comment on anyone’s blog out of obligation. I like visiting others site (like this One) and hearing what is on their mind and what I can learn from them. We have some pretty good people in our Tribe. And I want to hear what they have to say about my posts, their opinions matter to me.
    Bottom line if people join a tribe thinking more about what they ARE GOING TO GET – THAN GIVE then they are missing the whole point.
    If I was asked is Tribing the “solution” I would say no. It is just one way to connect with a great group of people. We do this on facebook and twitter and that is OK.
    OK, if your not a jerk ABOUT IT and always promoting yourself.
    Same with Tribing, if it is all give-me give-me then it will NEVER WORK.
    I have seen you online for a long time Diane, I see you are always giving, and so I try to do the same. It is my responsibility as a leader. It is my desire to make a difference in our Tribe. Just like Twitter and now my facebook with about 30 people. People new to me but I care about their success.
    Well I better stop, this is turning into a book. It is a great video, you always get out what you put in.
    God Bless You,

  14. […] it as contrived traffic. OK so I was on one of the TSA member sites (Nicole Rushin) and she said Diane Hochman was not too keen on Tribing. Now I know who she is and I respect her. So I really wanted to hear […]

  15. Diane,
    What a great video. Yep, a year later and look how relevant it is. Nostradamus over there ; ). Thank you for sharing it with me as it justified what I was already thinking.

    1. Diane Avatar

      You inspired me to send this out to Facebook.
      Thanks Josh!

  16. Hi Diane,
    Beautiful is all I can say. Like the scripture says, “A word fitly spoken is like apples of gold in pictures of silver.” I have experienced all you said. The tribes, the syndication’s, and it is fun to meet new people, but it is not “in the long run” a benefit to one’s personal passion. In fact it stalls your success and puts you in an isolated cage with a hamster wheel in it. You are right, it seems good for a while but the traffic tapers away your only gain a few new friends which is good. The only people who know you are the ones who are sharing your info, but that is about all.
    Great video. I just sent it out to my list. It maybe a small list but the list is from something that I am giving away that is from me and not another. I learned the hard way what you are saying in this video, and determined no matter how long it would take I would be myself, share my passion…Like the film Field of Dreams, Build it and they will come!
    Thanks for sharing.
    Your neighbor from Norwich,
    Joe Young

    1. Diane Avatar

      Joe…it’s only a matter of time till your list grows large.
      Just focus every day on adding a few people who enjoy your message and before long word of mouth takes over and
      you have a large flock.
      I KNOW that you understand this.
      You can not “buy” a congregation and you can not buy a business following.
      But you CAN attract them, nurture them, feed them…and encourage them to carry more people to you.
      With consistency and time …momentum takes over.
      Sowing and reaping 🙂
      That is all it is.

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