I Don't Have Any Fancy Videos

I don’t drive a fancy car…
I live in a regular house (nice but not fancy)
Don’t have “hair and make up sessions”
And often times you can STILL find me cooking dinner with a headset on
so I can help people at the same time I care for my family.
I haven’t shot a video on the beach in California…not even once…
In fact…
I don’t have a SINGLE fancy video.
They’re pretty basic…
I just sit where ever I am and say what I need to say…
That’s it.
Me..I’m just a regular girl who cracked the code.
Yup..I figured out how the money is made.
And I am willing to bet that if you are reading this…
That’s who you are too.
Just a regular person who got involved with a network marketing
or a home or small business cause you wanted to make some extra money
or you wanted to do something really unique with your life so you needed
some extra cash to make it a reality.
We’re talking a couple a thousand a month for starters.
A couple a grand would probably get you on the road to what you want.
I know your type.
I’m just like you….
And you really should know that there are MILLIONS of us.
People who are not looking to set up VIDEO STUDIOS in their homes to
try to appear like we are HOLLYWOOD STARS.
People who don’t want to write articles just because they contain the right
traffic driving keywords but would rather express a cool thought or idea.
People who just want to help some other people and earn a right living
Yet somehow everywhere you look we don’t see any ads or capture pages that offer this…
We see hot sports cars and beaches…
Mansions and yachts
And for the life of me I have NEVER understood WHY people go for this stuff….
Why  people get SO caught in it?
Oh sure…
Part of me understands…
I lived it when I was trying to lose weight.
I used to be severely obese.
I never wanted a sensible plan that over time would product me the results I wanted…
OH NO…..
I wanted THE MAGIC PILL that would make me skinny overnight…
So I bought every supplement, lotion, potion, dvd set and expensive exercise jungle gym out there.
I racked up THOUSANDS of dollars in debt before I figured out that the answer was in ME
Ten years and a hundred pounds later I am a testament to that.
So I guess I was WAY lucky when I got involved in a home business because I
had already been through the “trying to buy success” phase of my life.
And I was not romanced by the sexy images that the industry flung at me…
I wasn’t looking to drive a Maserrati (can’t even spell it!) or become famous…
I just wanted to make $100 that week.
AND I DID…My very first week.
Maybe cause I didn’t get caught up in all the hoopla
But instead focused on what I already knew.
We all know how a store works…right???
The little local mom and pop store in your neighborhood…
They know their clientele…
They know what they like to buy…
Holy Cow…what a novel idea…
Know your prospects and have what they want to buy!!!
Pretty basic..right???
Once I conquered that and decided to study marketing a bit
I figured out that fancier businesses just kept A LIST of their prospects and
customers and MAILED THEM STUFF to show the people all the cool new things
they had to help them out (EG: LL BEAN, The Sears Catalog ETC)
So like the simple minded girl I am I did the same thing…
Kept a list…and mailed them stuff to show them what I had to help them out…
And lo and behold…people bought MORE STUFF.
Then I got wild and crazy and decided to try it on the internet…
Treat people great…get to know what they want to buy…
Keep a list of em…
And mail (in this case email) them stuff to tell em how I can help em out.
TAH DAH!!!!!
Not a single fancy video needed.
No hot cars or bikini clad chicks (believe me..you DO NOT want me in a bikini)
No beaches…no McMansions…No exotic locals (well my backyard IS kinda cool)
Basically I just used plain old COMMON SENSE.
And here’s the KOOKY PART…
People will LISTEN to you if you make sense.
(Looking for “like minded individuals who share desire to create mutually beneficial entrepreneurial
relationships” DOES NOT MAKE SENSE in the real world –or on Facebook for that matter!)
I am talking when you actually MAKE SENSE…
Do you get that???
Truly get that???
And when you do make sense you don’t need any of that fancy marketing junk.
Heck…I barely spend a dime on advertising…
It’s just all energy…vibe and a lotta commons sense and PEOPLE SKILLS
So before you go out and invest in the next “MAGIC PILL”
(and let me be the first to say that MANY of the training products out there are TOP NOTCH)
PLEASE O PLEASE stop and think for a minute.
And consider…
Could it be that you have known the answer all along???
Chances are the answer is YES.
And once you find that answer INSIDE OF YOU…
Rock and Roll….
Hire the video guy…
Go to Hawaii and shoot your heart out…
Get all fancy dancy and maybe even color your hair for the launch videos.
But I just wanted to let you know that you need NONE OF THAT to have your first
$2 to $10k month.
I make that many times over and I still haven’t upgraded…
I didn’t have this snazzly wordpress blog until recently…
Believe it or not I was making money hand over fist with BLOGGER…some Squidoo lenses, a few Hub pages
and some HANDWRITTEN post cards…
And you can too.
Don’t let all the glitz and glamor make you forget who you are and what you ALREADY KNOW.
As my mentor says…
You don’t have to get it right…you just have to get it going.
And like a dork I believed him when he told me I could start with all HOME MADE stuff.
Still use most of it to this day.
Cause think about it…
In all the hustle bustle out there…
When is the last time you got a handwritten post card with a scratch and sniff
sticker from a company…
Probably NEVER…
Yet my folks find them in their mailboxes all the time.
And that’s about as SLICK as Diane Hochman gets!
So don’t expect any fancy videos from me too soon…
No launch sequences…
No fancy capture pages…
No graphic designs
Just lil ol ME
And ten years worth of home business knowledge …
Reaching out my hand to you.
And saying…
Cause you are PERFECT right now…
And you’re only gonna get better…
How do I know???
I BELIEVE in the industry
And I BELIEVE in possibilities.
And I believe in crappy home made videos that SAY SOMETHING.
And that’s why I don’t have any fancy videos
And chances are I never will.


12 responses to “I Don't Have Any Fancy Videos”

  1. While everyone else is trying to convince us
    “regular people” that we have to have fancy, big,
    and expensive, you’ve consistently demonstrated
    that it just “ain’t so”.
    The “little guy” out there can draw comfort from
    knowing that he doesn’t have to be slick or fancy
    to move his home/small business forward…all he
    needs to do is begin.
    Thanks for a great post, Diane.

  2. Lenai Stewart Avatar
    Lenai Stewart

    Thank you for KEEPING IT Real Diane. And From what I am hearing from many they are tired of the HOOPLA too.. Im celebrating my authentic self thanks to YOU… Keep it Rocking & rolling Diane

  3. Diane Keeping it simple and Real is always best,
    once you are happy nothing else matters

  4. Thank you Diane…you are so down to earth and that is refreshing. Showing the average person to just be themselves, nothing too fancy or expensive.
    Thank you
    Alice McCarthy

  5. YOU bring such RELIEF to the people of this industry!

  6. And all this time I thought I was NUTS when all this hype was so overwhelming!! You make me believe that we just need to believe in ourselves and we CAN be successful….just common sense, a good work ethic, honesty, and integrity is really all we need! As usual, thanks for helping me believe in myself!

  7. Feels so good to see all
    these crazy opinions have
    actually worked for a LONG
    If the average guy/gal can’t
    duplicate it – CAN IT.
    Heck, most of us have families
    and REAL lives to live… no time
    to manipulate people around…
    Thanks Diane for speaking it
    for all these years…

  8. The truth is the truth is the truth…And NOTHING else matters!

  9. This was so true and so simple to the point its SCARY…Diane thanks for your insight and the value you bring to the industry.

    1. Diane Avatar

      Thanks Shawn.
      It’s time for all us regular guys to stop being swayed by all the glitters.
      Often times the most powerful teachers are hidden away…
      Quietly making GOBS of money.
      They don’t have any fancy videos either.

  10. Diane,
    THANK YOU! You just made my day (or maybe my life?)
    What you’re saying in this post is EXACTLY how I feel, too!
    But somehow I’ve been always caught in the trap of thinking that I need to master this or that first, I need to do this or that first, I need to lose weight and die my hair first (yeah, don’t laugh!)… I am not young enough, old enough, good-looking enough, fancy enough, thin enough, self-confident enough… to “present myself to the world”…
    But I HAVE had my learning curves and all sorts of experiences in this crazy online marketing world for the past 8 years… I HAVE learned lessons that I would be only too willing to pass on to others, if nothing else, then just to tell them to avoid my mistakes… I DO sincerely desire to help others – regular folks just like me – to become financially independent and create a better and more secure future for their families and loved ones! Now I just don’t have any more excuses not to!
    What an inspiration you are, Diane! Your message truly hit home with me today!

  11. Diane,
    This is so spot on, I could hug you! If you can’t be yourself, then you have a problem, because people will sense and not want to duplicate what you’re doing.
    This was a lesson that I spent years learning. Now, having learned it, I want to pass it on to others.
    Thanks for stating it so well,

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